Software engineer. Sustainability champion. Community builder. Diversity harnesser. Design thinker architecting impact through tech, research and social action.
It's complicated... · The Big Picture In my post on the green potential of event driven architectures and AsyncApi I noted that in 2022 4.8 zettabytes of...
Lessons from Bitcoin · 1. Electricity grid instability: the blindspot in carbon-aware computing There is a lot of ongoing work in exploring ways to tie...
In their extreme positions, all three of these assessments are misleading, and all three contain some nuggets of truth. Bitcoin is the most visible...
Is it actually "powering 40% of the web" and "over 455 million sites"? · I can think of marketing, economic, even historical reasons to care about the...
A look under the hood · How many websites are there in the world? This could be considered a good quiz show question, with contestants choosing from...